Monday, August 15, 2011

How to Prepare as Kids Ready for College

High school graduation can sneak up on kids and parents alike. One moment, you are changing dirty diapers or wiping running noses, and the next, you are cheering as your child walks across a stage and receives a diploma.  College is a big step for many kids. No longer do they have their parents or guardians to wake them up, make sure they get to class and make sure they do their homework. When at college, kids also are out on their own living on college campuses, many for the first time. They are responsible for caring for themselves and for studying on a daily basis. You can get your kids ready for college with some preparation

Get kids ready for college years in advance by challenging them to work hard on their college preparatory courses in middle and high schools. Help kids develop strong study habits by sitting down with them at the same time each night to complete school work. Help them study for tests by giving them practice tests verbally and in written form. Check their work and help them learn from their mistakes.

Set up a savings account for kids and help them contribute to their college funds starting in elementary or middle school, if possible. Contribute as much money as you can afford each month and watch the savings compound for their college lives.

Apply for college early. Ask the kids to meet with their high school guidance counselor to look at different college options. School guidance counselors typically maintain files for many different colleges and have a wealth of information ranging from student life to academic programs to applying for colleges. Colleges typically admit new students for fall courses during the spring months. Applying for colleges should be done during the fall and winter months prior to admission to programs. Help the kids apply for the programs of their choice and make sure they have all the materials they need for the applications. Wait to be accepted to the schools and help the kids select which college to choose by visiting different campuses in person and by talking with current college students and staff members.

Prepare a budget for the kids prior to entering college. Make a list of all the expenses that will be included with going to college. This will include costs for room, board, tuition, dorm room supplies and extras. Look at how much money that is saved for school. Help your child apply for financial aid through scholarships and grants by making sure the child fills out the applications on time, completes any corresponding essay questions and tests and sends in the materials.

Shop for dorm room supplies for the kids before sending them off to college. Dorm room supplies will include: bathroom supplies like towels, toiletries and soaps, flip flops for the showers and bathrobes; bedding materials like clean sheets, blankets, pillows and pillow covers; a small dorm refrigerator, if you would like, with beverages and snacks for studying and studying supplies like a computer, notebooks and pens.

Answer any questions your kids have about your college experiences. The more knowledge they have about what can be expected, the more relaxed they will be on the day when they go off to school. Many kids report having a great deal of anxiety during the days they go to college. You can alleviate some of that stress by being calm yourself and telling them how great they'll do in college.

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